CCF Tea: Ayurvedic Diet Herbs for Weight Loss
Society is becoming more health-conscious. Many of us are turning to all-natural remedies to deal with everyday ailments associated with poor gut health. One growing wellness trend in gut healing recipes is drinking CCF tea. CCF tea is a spicy yet smoky staple of an Ayurvedic diet. It also contains ingredients that help digestive problems and promote weight loss. Let’s learn more about the benefits of this brew and how to make CCF tea.
What is CCF Tea?
CCF tea is a blend of anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic herbs that fight inflammation in the gut. They’re also known to stimulate weight loss. So, what are these miraculous herbs? Let’s discuss the three ingredients that put the CCF in CCF Tea.
Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are typically ground into the cumin spice we associated with Middle Eastern culinary staples. They are derived from the Cuminum cyminum plant, which is native to Asia.
Boosts Digestive Enzymes
Research suggests that cumin seeds are an excellent addition to tea for digestive health. It promotes the growth of many pivotal digestive enzymes 1.
Some of the enzymes enhanced by CCF tea include:
Amylase is one of the digestive enzymes responsible for breaking down carbohydrates that makes us gain weight 2. Meanwhile, lipase helps us blast fats that accumulate along the waistline.
Improves Symptoms of IBS
57 patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) participated in a study with cumin oil 3. Cumin oil is derived from cumin seeds. When you seep cumin seeds in hot water for CCF tea, these nutrients seep into the brew.
The study noted that,
“Abdominal pain, bloating, incomplete defecation, fecal urgency and presence of mucus discharge in stool were statistically significant decreased during and after treatment with Cumin extract. Stool consistency and defecation frequency were also both statistically significant improved in patients with constipation dominant pattern of IBS.”
– Middle East J Dig Dis
One of the primary compounds in cumin seeds in cuminaldehyde. This potent compound has antiallergic and antioxidant properties 4. Experts hypothesize this compound plays a significant role in the benefits of CCF tea for IBS.
Coriander Seeds
The second ingredient in CCF tea is coriander seeds. They are derived from the Coriandrum sativum plant. Like cumin seeds, coriander is also a part of the parsley family. In fact, the stems and leaves of coriander are used as cilantro.
Fight Fungal Infections
If you get frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), get your pinky up with some CCF tea. Coriander seeds are 1 of 26 Ayurvedic herbs that in vitro studies show helps fight off the frequency of UTIs 5.
Improve Mental Health
Many of us enjoy herbal teas for relaxing at the end of the day. Coriander seeds can help provide that relief through the gut-brain-axis. One animal study looked at the benefits of coriander seeds for anxiety in comparison to prescription medication, Diazepam 6.
Results noted that coriander seeds exhibited anxiolytic traits. Experts hypothesized that this effect was due to the amount of linalool in coriander seeds.
Linalool is a potent terpene responsible for many of the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Seeing as up to 70% of the essential oils in coriander seeds is linalool, it’s no wonder people drink CCF tea for anxiety!
Immune-Boosting Properties
Coriander seeds are also amazing for boosting your immune system naturally. They are rich in antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that cause inflammation in the gut.
Some of these antioxidants, in particular, are especially supportive of the immune system, such as:
- Terpinene
- Quercetin
- Tocopherols
By drinking CCF tea, you can help arm your immune system to fight off pathogenic bacteria and opportunistic viruses 6.
Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds are the final ingredient in CCF tea. They are derived from a Mediterranean plant that goes by the scientific name of Foeniculum vulgare. It’s a member of the carrot family and has a licorice-like flavor.
Anti-inflammatory Benefits
Fennel seeds have over 28 known essential oil compounds. One unique terpene that belongs to this Ayurvedic herb is anethole. Research shows that this compound has a significant influence on the NF-kB and TNF-α signaling pathway 7.
Our NF-kB and TNF-α pathway influences:
- Cell Proliferation
- Cell Differentiation
- Apoptosis
- Fat Metabolism
- Blood Coagulation
Suppress Appetite
How to Make CCF Tea
CCF Tea Recipe
- 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds
- 1/2 tsp Coriander Seeds
- 1/2 tsp Fennel Seeds
- 4 cups Distilled Water
1. Place all the ingredients into a small saucepan.
2. Cover the pan with a lid.
3. Allow to boil for about five minutes.
4. Strain the tea into a mug.
What Does CCF Tea Taste Like?
That spice is complimented by the zest of coriander. Coriander has a citrusy note that’s accentuated by slightly bitter peppery nuances.
How to Incorporate CCF Tea Into My Routine
Simply take an at-home gut test to determine which foods are right for your gut microbiome. Then, make the recipes we suggest to meet your wellness goals.
So, if you’re all tea’d out. We have plenty of more recipes that will get your gut in shape in no time!
- 1 Milan, K.S. Muthamma, et al. “Enhancement of Digestive Enzymatic Activity by Cumin (Cuminum Cyminum L.) and Role of Spent Cumin as a Bionutrient.” Food Chemistry, Elsevier, 26 Feb. 2008, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814608002483.
- 2 “Digestion and Enzymes – Digestive System – KS3 Biology Revision – BBC Bitesize.” BBC News, BBC, 2020, www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z9pv34j/revision/2#:~:text=Carbohydrase%20enzymes%20 break%20down %20starch%20into%20sugars.,it%20begins%20to%20taste%20sweet.
- 3 Agah S, Taleb AM, Moeini R, Gorji N, Nikbakht H. Cumin extract for symptom control in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a case series. Middle East J Dig Dis. 2013;5(4):217‐222.
- 4 Sowbhagya HB. Chemistry, technology, and nutraceutical functions of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L): an overview. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2013;53(1):1‐10. doi:10.1080/10408398.2010.500223.
- 5 Rath, S., & Padhy, R. N. (2014). Monitoring in vitro antibacterial efficacy of 26 Indian spices against multidrug resistant urinary tract infecting bacteria. Integrative medicine research, 3(3), 133–141. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.imr.2014.04.002.
- 6 Das Gupta, S., & Suh, N. (2016). Tocopherols in cancer: An update. Molecular nutrition & food research, 60(6), 1354–1363. https://doi.org/10.1002/mnfr.201500847.
- 7 “Pathway: TNF Alpha/NF-KB.” Pathway Commons::TNF Alpha/NF-KB, Memorial Sloane Keating Center and University of Toronto, Oct. 2011, www.pathwaycommons.org/pc/record2.do?id=543635#:~:text=Pathway%3A%20TNF%20alpha%2FNF%2D,surface%20receptors%2C %20TNFR1%20and%20 NFR2.&text=The%20free%20NF%2DkappaB%20translocates,induces%20expression%20 of%20certain%20genes.
- 8 Aprotosoaie AC, Costache II, Miron A. Anethole and Its Role in Chronic Diseases. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;929:247‐267. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41342-6_11.
- 9 Bae, J., Kim, J., Choue, R., & Lim, H. (2015). Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Tea Drinking Suppresses Subjective Short-term Appetite in Overweight Women. Clinical nutrition research, 4(3), 168–174. https://doi.org/10.7762/cnr.2015.4.3.168.